Statusuri de Paste in limba Engleza - Messenger - Facebook

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…thinks it’s a good idea to find Easter eggs on Easter, but a bad idea to find Easter eggs on Christmas.

…is never hiding Easter eggs inside the house again. You’ll know why when after a few months you discover the purple cockroaches.

…is going to have an Easter beer hunt (and probably never end up at church).
Statusuri de Paste in limba Engleza - Messenger - Facebook
…is going to hide his/her own Easter eggs. At least there’s one advantage to Alzheimer.

…is wondering, since eggs become much more appealing to kids if you paint and hide them… would that also work for broccoli?

…is hiding the Cadbury Creme Eggs where only he/she can find them!

…bets that chickens really hate Easter… after all, how would you feel if you people ate all of your eggs and some stupid rabbit got all the credit?
Statusuri de Paste in limba Engleza - Messenger - Facebook
…is gonna catch the Easter Bunny by hiding in a bush and making the noise of a carrot.

…wonders why we leave milk and cookies for Santa, but never a salad for the Easter bunny.

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